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Online Courses

Each course is an affordable series of personal training lessons, the mastery of which will:

  • Enhance physical health, fitness, and relative athleticism.

  • Improve reaction time, impulse control, and cognitive functioning.

  • Increase the mind and body's ability to manage stress.

  • Reduce risk of injury and illness.

  • Improve motivation, drive, and performance mentality.

  • Enhance your abilities to live a highly active lifestyle free of pain!

Sample Lessons


**Indicates NO EQUIPEMENT NEEDED exercise programs!

(Included in the READY Method)

Online resources are constantly in production and may be updated for improvements over time. Please check back periodically; we'll be uploading new videos and programs to lay out many of our best physical and mental performance training philosophies / methodologies.

We recommend downloading the WIX "Spaces" app, creating a profile, and becoming an official member of our website; though, it's NOT required to purchase and use our programs. Minimally, try to watch and move along with these video programs from a laptop or desktop, as the courses are easier to navigate on a computer than a mobile browser. Another great option would be to cast, mirror, or transpose the videos to a TV so you have the largest picture and best view of the demonstrations as possible. Download the Spaces app here and search for Aaron Wyant MS: (Google Play) (Apple Store)

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